Quality You WOOD Expect!

Local tree buyers producing the finest quality hardwood and providing the best service to customers around the globe.

Post Hardwoods has been acquired by NWH, the premier manufacturer and supplier of hardwood lumber to North America, Europe and Asia.

With this acquisition, the quality you have come to expect from Post Hardwoods will not only continue but will be bolstered by the resources and capabilities of NWH. Our extensive log sales business will complement NWH’s offerings, providing you with an even broader variety of products. You will have the same access to sought-after Northern species, ensuring you have the supply you require. Together with NWH, we aim to better serve you and lead the hardwood industry with innovation and excellence.


About Us


Sell Your Timber

About Us


Sell Your Timber

"We’ll go 200 miles for quality timber, and we won’t go around the corner for anything else."
